September has arrived and it's also the official month of bringing awareness to Skin Care. This month is designed to help bring attention to skin health and care. Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so why not take good care of it?
After months in the summer sunshine and having to wear a mask, your skin might be feeling irritated, looking a little red, or dull and tired. Its time to start thinking about rejuvenating your skin before the change of the season comes. Now is the perfect time to learn more about skin care and invest in your beauty routine.
Help your skin be the best it can be with these skin care tips to make Skin Care awareness last longer than just for the month of September:
Stay hydrated & drink more water.
Any topical skin regimen should be supported by what you put into your body. Nature’s way of keeping your skin fresh and youthful is through hydration. Make it a habit this month to get those eight glasses of water in every day. Of course that's a lot of water, but you can do it!!
Give yourself regular mini Facials at home.
Facial Masks leave your skin softer, smoother and rejuvenated! They’re fun to do, giving you "me-time" to sit still, relax and breath easy. Remove Cosmetics, has a collection of Facial Masks that are bomb!! These Masks are designed to help restore radiance, brighten your complexion, help minimize and de-congest pores, and provide a deep, lasting hydration.
Keep wearing your Sunscreen.
You may say, “Summer is over. There's no reason for me to wear sunscreen anymore.” Studies indicate that 90% of sun exposure is incidental exposure. However, did you know, just by walking to your car, driving, and sitting in your house next to windows can result in unnecessary sun exposure and damage from wrinkle-causing UVA rays. And we know that sun exposure is the #1 cause of aging! Remove Cosmetics has a lightweight, invigorating daily moisturizer called Daily Moisture Protection Broad Spectrum SPF 15. It's an essential "must have" to add to your Skin Care regimen.
Have Patience!
"Alright, Alright, Alright" (read in *Kevin Hart voice), at this point in the post... it's time to remind you of that pesky word that we all love... PATIENCE lol.
As much as I hate to say it, even the best products (ahem, Remove Cosmetics Skincare Essentials lol) can take time to truly work their magic. This applies to any skincare/lifestyle/diet change you’re making. Just remember to be patient and keep at it... it’s worth it!
Keep it simple with these tips. Feel free to share in the comments how you will own your skin health this Fall.